(818) 348-4666

Hyphema is a term used to describe bleeding in the anterior chamber (the space between the cornea and the iris) of the eye. It occurs when blood vessels in the iris bleed and leak into the clear aqueous. Hyphemas are usually characterized by pooling of blood in the anterior chamber that may be visible to the naked eye. The red blood cells of very small hyphemas are visible only with magnification. Even the slightest amount of blood in the anterior chamber will cause decreased vision when mixed in the clear aqueous fluid.
Bleeding in the anterior chamber is most often caused by blunt trauma to the eye. It may also be associated with surgical procedures. Other causes include abnormal vessel growth in the eye and certain ocular tumors.

•Decreased vision (Depending on the amount of blood in the eye, vision may be reduced to only hand movements and light perception only)
•Pool of blood in the anterior chamber
•Elevated intraocular pressure (in some cases)
It is very important for the doctor to determine the cause of the hyphema. If the hyphema is related to an ocular injury, any detail regarding the nature of the trauma is helpful. The doctor will assess visual acuity, measure intraocular pressure, and examine the eye with a slit lamp microscope and ophthalmoscope.

The treatment is dependent on the cause and severity of the hyphema. Frequently, the blood is reabsorbed over a period of days to weeks. During this time, the doctor will carefully monitor the intraocular pressure for signs of the blood preventing normal flow of the aqueous through the eye's angle structures. If the eye pressure becomes elevated, eye drops may be prescribed to control it. The pupils are also evaluated to rule out damage to the iris.

In some cases, a procedure is performed to irrigate the blood from the anterior chamber to prevent secondary complications such as glaucoma and blood stains on the cornea.

Patients with significant hyphemas must rest and avoid strenuous activity to allow the blood to reabsorb.

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Since 1961, West Valley Optometry has been the leader and preferred provider of quality vision care products and personalized optometric services to our patients in Canoga Park and the surrounding areas.

In our mission to provide the best eye care services possible, our doctors use only the most advanced, state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and eye care products available.

Everyone at West Valley Optometry is genuinely committed to educating our patients and providing personalized eye care services to the people of Canoga Park and neighboring communities.

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West Valley Optometry 8391 Topanga Canyon Blvd. West Hills, CA 91304 Phone: (818) 348-4666 Fax: (818) 348-4283

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